Many of you may know this already but for those of you that have not heard yet, Treasure Island Resort and Casino has asked me to illustrate work for them…
In my office, my drawing desk is right in front of a big window. Depending on the season, throughout the day ducks, rabbits, robins, cats, butterflies, and the occasional hummingbird…
gadget noun gad·get: an often small mechanical or electronic device with a practical use but often thought of as a novelty. I love gadgets. I have always loved gadgets. As I…
There are many things that I am thankful for this New Years. Both Shannon and I have had some pretty severe health scares this year both at work and at…
I know many many people. Let me clarify this. I know many MANY people, but FEW do I consider close personal friends. One of these individuals is Steve, I have…
Hi guys, thanks for coming back and checking out my blog! You may have noticed my absence last week, I have had some medical issues that took precedence and I…