What Time Is It?
Sometimes when I look at scripture, I try not to think too deeply about it and I just go with a feeling. This time it happened to be: “Whose time…
Women and Children First!
Behind the scenes: 1. The Teddy Bear is my oldest sister’s stuffed bear that eventually wound its way to my Father’s Dental Office for other kids to play with. 2.…
Speedy Delivery
When I first drew this. I thought it looked a little too much like he was hanging himself, but after going through this a couple of times, I’m glad that…
Go When Your Called
Take, copy and share this, for yourself and/or with anyone you feel might need this today. May it encourage you and them as much as it did me.
As Clear As …Mud.
Take, copy and share this, for yourself and/or with anyone you feel might need this today. May it encourage you and them as much as it did me. I know…
NorB: Get Up!
Take, copy and share this, for yourself and/or with anyone you feel might need this today. May it encourage you and them as much as it did me.
NorB: Afternoon Coffee With God
Take, copy and share this, for yourself and/or with anyone you feel might need this today. May it encourage you and them as much as it did me. It’s Monday…
“I Don’t Get It?”
As I tell all of my students, whether it’s in a community class in a small town library or a school assembly with 400 students, there will be two statements…