Blog:Listening Not Just Looking

There are many things that I am thankful for this New Years.

Both Shannon and I have had some pretty severe health scares this year both at work and at home and I count my blessings that they were taken care of and did not go any farther than just starting phases. I count my blessings that I have a job that appreciates me for what I bring to the table as well as my skill set (more on that in a later post!). I am thankful that I have the love of my life, the most understanding woman on the planet, standing at my side for almost 23 years of marriage now.

I also realize that not everyone has the same kind of blessings to be thankful for and THAT is something else that I truly feel blessed about, the ability to be able to decipher the difference between “being lucky” and truly listening to how lucky a man I really am.

Now if I could just listen for when Shannon is standing behind me when I’m trying to sneak cookies from the cookie jar!

Have a great week guys, don’t let ‘em get to ya!