How Do You Eat An Elephant?

I am, as of this writing, sitting at my brand new electric lift desk (thank you Nate and Jess Anderson for helping the Old Man put it together!) pondering what I would like to share for the week. The desk is sitting in front of my window staring out onto my own little winter wonderland, private and secluded.

I read in an article once that there is no such thing as “writer’s block.” I don’t know if I necessarily agree, there has been MANY a time that I have stared at a blank sheet of paper and had NO idea what to create on it….and that usually happens JUST before the deadline hits or the client is just about to call to see how a project is coming along!

I have learned to just take my time and don’t rush it. This week, thanks to SERVPRO, I am learning to take it one step at a time and break larger projects into bite-sized goals and keeping those goals in front of my face so I can keep an eye on progress. I am pleased to say that even though my first goals might be considered on a smaller scale, I completed every goal that I had on my list except for one. Because I kept an eye on my list, I was able to see more people AND finished other goals that I would never have been able to just keeping a list in my head.

So my advice for you this week….Eye On The Prize. Make a list of goals you would like to see completed for the week and shoot for the stars. If you have a project that has multiple steps, break it down into smaller accomplishable tasks. Even if you don’t hit every one of your “to do’s,” you will be closer than you are right now, right?

It is at this point that I am beginning to hear “I’m A Little Tea Pot” coming from underneath my computer desk and I look over to see a little Pink Butt sticking out from under my desk.

Excuse me, I have “blocked” this time off to go be “Bumpa.” I have a hide-and-go-seek party to attend and I don’t want to be late to that.

Have a great week!

Go Turn It Around for Someone Else!