It’s Ok To Not Get It Done

I have been doing a lot of thinking over the last week or so about what I want to do for the New Year. Things and habits I want to change, ones I want to keep and how I can improve myself over the coming year. While the majority of this is geared towards work and goals, somewhere in the midst of all this I realized I should do this for my personal life as well. I realized that while I need to restructure my work day, I should also take a honest look at what I am doing OUTSIDE of work as well.

After talking to a coach of mine, I realized a couple of things about myself but then it crossed my mind that it is not enough to know something, you have to act on it as well. So I have spent the week with some new habits and the MAJOR thing that I have walked away with from these new habits is …it’s alright if you miss your goals, there is always tomorrow; it doesn’t have to end here. If I do 3 out of 4 things on my goal list I am still closer than I was yesterday and that is a win, not a flaw.

The other thing I realized is I am starting to accept myself for who I AM not what I want TO BE. Read that again. I owe NO ONE anything else but me, I don’t care who they are.

And if I don’t reach my best … there is always tomorrow.

I hope you have a FANTASTIC week and if you should meet yourself along the way, treat him/her kindly, the world needs you.

Go Turn It Around!