Truer Words Have Never Been Spoken!

This is the exact reason that we plan for one LAST day off before we go back to work. The dreaded “crash” day. You don’t want to unpack when you come home; you can barely keep your eyes open. You have said that you can munch on something when you get home but as you climb the driveway you realize that there ARE no groceries in the house because you were going on vacation. You hear the pillow calling. Then she asks the dreaded question, “Hey, where is the bag that’s got the souvenir for the neighbor in it, I’d like to give it to her for holding our mail?”

“It’s in the suitcase.”

“Which one?”

“The one with the handles and the wheels.”

“That’s real funny Sketch, they ALL have handles and wheels.”

As I am walking out of the dining room down the hall to the bedroom, I say, “And this is where I leave this Abbot & Costello routine.”

You and I both know it doesn’t matter WHAT I say here. By tomorrow morning all the suitcases will have EXPLODED in the living room as all those little “treasures” will be lined up, like pirate booty, on the dining room table.